Butterfly Coloring Pages And 20 Ideas On How To Color Them

Even though summer is already over, it’s always fun to draw and color butterflies, no matter if it’s spring or winter. These 12 coloring pages include both simple and challenging butterfly designs. I also came up with 20 different ways you can color them. I hope these ideas will help you experiment with different colors and encourage you to try something new!

20 coloring ideas

An intricate butterfly design that has been colored with black and white color scheme.

1. Black and white/grayscale

Starting simple: you can never go wrong with using black and white. You could just use a normal cheap pencil or graphite pencils. If you have a black marker and a white gel pen, you can throw them in the mix as well!

A butterfly design that is inspired by cold silver and warm gold color scheme.

2. Silver and gold

This is a good idea for those who like to use gel pens. Some coloring pencils have gold and silver colors too.

A butterfly coloring page that has been colored with monochromatic color scheme.

3. Monochromatic

Keep it very simple and use only one color, blue, for example.

A butterfly design that has been colored with analogous color scheme.

4. Analogous color scheme

Analogous colors are a group of colors that can be found next to each other on the color wheel. The example above has the colors yellow, yellow-green, and green.

A butterfly design that has been colored with triadic color scheme.

5. Triadic color scheme

Pick three colors that are evenly spaced on the color wheel. So, for example red, yellow and blue or orange, green and violet.

A butterfly design that has been colored with rainbow colors.

6. Rainbow

Here is an idea for those who want to use multiple colors instead: bright rainbow colors!

A butterfly coloring page that has been colored with bright neon colors.

7. Neon colors

Speaking of bright, how about using neon colors?

A butterfly design that has been colored with galaxy color scheme.

8. Galaxy

Galaxies and butterflies—that is an interesting combination. A white gel pen might come in handy!

A butterfly design that has been colored with sunset color scheme.

9. Sunset

If a galaxy sounds too challenging or tedious, you can try coloring a sunset butterfly instead.

A butterfly design that has been colored to resemble the dark starry night and the northern lights.

10. Northern lights

Let’s keep gazing up at the sky and get inspired by the northern lights.

A butterfly design. The colors were inspired by a strawberry, so the butterfly slightly resembles a strawberry.

11. Berries

Nature is the best place to get color inspiration. Look up pictures of different berries. As you can probably tell from the butterfly above, its colors were inspired by a strawberry.

A butterfly design. The colors were inspired by a watermelon.

12. Fruits

Continuing with the nature theme, look up pictures of different fruits.

A butterfly design. The colors were inspired by a flower called cape marguerite.

A photo of flowers.

13. Flowers

Flowers come in many different colors and amazing color combinations.

A butterfly design that has been colored with a leaf color scheme.

14. Leaf

Here is another simple one: make your butterfly look like a leaf.

A butterfly coloring page that has been colored with a tiger's color scheme.

15. Animals

When I have trouble picking good colors, I sometimes search for pictures of different animals. For this butterfly, I chose a tiger’s color scheme.

A butterfly design that has been colored with forest color scheme.

16. Forest

Use earth tones: greens and browns. Maybe throw in some reds and blues too!

A butterfly coloring pagethat has been colored with fire color scheme.

17. Fire

Instead of using just orange and yellow, you can add some blue flames as well.

A butterfly coloring page that has been colored with warm autumn color scheme.

18. Seasons

If I have trouble choosing colors for my artwork, I use the colors that fit the current season. It’s fall right now, so I would use reds, oranges, yellows and browns.

Two identical butterfly coloring pages side by side. The coloring pages have two butterflies on a sunflower that have been colored with different color schemes. The colors on the left are inspired by day and the other by night.

19. Day and night

You could color two different versions using day and night as color inspiration. Day: bright and mostly warm colors. Night: blues and violets with some yellows.

A butterfly coloring page that has been colored. The colors were inspired by a monarch butterfly.

20. Real butterflies

And lastly, look up photos of real butterflies and get inspired by their beautiful colors!

I hope these butterfly coloring pages and coloring ideas will inspire you to create your own amazing butterfly designs too!

How to download these butterfly coloring pages

If you prefer to focus on one butterfly at a time, then the first download option is perfect for you. The butterflies on the pages are bigger too, so they take more time but are easier to color. If you like coloring small details and want multiple butterflies on the same page, then you might want to download the second one.

After clicking the download button, there should be print and save buttons, usually on the top-right corner.
These coloring pages are for non-commercial use! Have fun coloring!